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Territorial Enterprise, May 18, 1864


How Is It?

While we had no representative at the mass meeting on Monday evening, the UNION overbid us for flour -- or at least ex-Alderman Bolan bid for that paper, and said that he would be responsible for the extra hundred dollars. He may have an opportunity, as we are told that the UNION (or its employés, whichever it is,) has repudiated the bid. We would like to know about this matter, if we may make so free.

How is it that The Union outbid us for the flour Monday night and now repudiate their bid?

[this version of the column from Mark Twain's Letters, vol. 1: 1856 - 1866, (University of California Press, 1987) p. 287.]


Another version of this article appeared as follows:

How it is that Union employees refused to pay their subscriptions when they fell due? Did they pledge themselves for a big amount solely
to make a bigger display than The Enterprise? Had they any other idea than to splurge?

[reprinted in The Saga of the Comstock Lode, George D. Lyman, (Charles Scribner's Sons, 1957), p. 294, quoting Virginia City Daily Union, May 19, 1864.]

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