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The San Francisco Daily Morning Call, August 17, 1864


At the meeting of the Board of Education last evening, Mr. Pope complained that he had been misrepresented by the reporter for the Call, as well as by the Secretary of the Board in his minutes, in the statements of his resolution introduced at the last meeting, on the subject of the participation by the pupils of the different Schools in the exercises of the Freedman's Concert. Mr. Pope says that his resolution was not to require the Grammar class, that had declined to participate on that occasion, to do so against their will, but to inform the members of that class that if they did so decline, they would be required to continue their usual daily exercises in School. If this was Mr. Pope's statement, he may have the benefit of it, though the fact that both the reporter and the Secretary of the Board, who are both presumed to be, and really are close listeners to the proceedings of the body, should understand the Director exactly alike, and fall into the same identical error, is, to say the least, a very extraordinary coincidence. Whatever may have been the exact phraseology of the gentle man's motion, the evident intention of the measure and the disposition of more than one member of the Board was certainly expressed in our report and the Secretary's minutes. However, as we entertain no feelings of hostility toward any member of the Board, we, in our own individual reportorial capacity, will concede, retract or admit anything in the world, "for the sake of the argument," and to keep peace in the family. But understand we don't mean it all, nor near it.

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