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The San Francisco Daily Morning Call, August 27, 1864


Sheriff Adams learned a few days ago (says the San Jose Patriot, of the 24th,) that a man named R. F. Hall, a farmer and stock raiser living on the Salinas, fifteen miles south of San Juan, was an accessory before the fact in the robbing of the Los Angeles stages. That it was at his (Hall's) house the robbers were harbored, and that he lent them a gun and hatchet, with a full knowledge of their felonious purpose. These facts coming to the mind of the Sheriff, he dispatched Under Sheriff Hall last week to make the arrest, which he succeeded in doing without difficulty, on Friday last. The Under Sheriff found R. F. Hall at home, upon his ranch, took him to Monterey, and surrendered him to the authorities of that county. The Under Sheriff states that Hall is an intelligent man, and a well-to-do stock-raiser, having six hundred head of cattle, a wife and three children. We learn that after long conversations with both Hall and his wife, the Under Sheriff obtained a good deal of information in regard to the combination of robbing gangs, and finding the officer acquainted with Hall's complicity with the robbers, a confession of the facts was obtained from him. Hall, like all others engaged in these schemes of robbing, is a Secessionist, and both he and his wife admitted that all connected with the band were bound to each other by horrid oaths to revenge any punishment inflicted on them.

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