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The San Francisco Daily Morning Call, September 7, 1864


AMENDE HONORABLE. - We yesterday, in a paragraph headed "Conjugal Infelicity," hinted that Mrs. Brown, the wife of Mr. Brown, sometimes joined her husband in a social glass, upon which was usually predicated a private row. Mrs. Brown requests us to say that she don't drink; that she works hard to support herself and a large family of children.

[transcribed from microfilm, p. 2]


IN BAD COMPANY. - A day or two since, while the employees of A. & E. Bartheimer, wholesale tobacco dealers on Battery street, were engaged in a portion of the building, leaving another portion exposed, three Chinamen were observed moving furtively about, with evident designs of pelf. Supposing the ground all clear, one of the Celestials carefully wrapped his handkerchief over a box of chewing tobacco, weighing twenty-one pounds, and valued at sixteen dollars and fifty cents, and decamped. Chase was given and two of the chaps were captured, together with the booty; the third made good his escape. The names thus added to the roll of infamy are Ah Chow and Ah Wen. Ah Chow declared that he was a belly good man, collector for one of the extensive Chinese Companies of the city, had nothing to do with the theft, wouldn't for anything have had anything to do with it. His reputation was at stake. His virtue rose indignant against the impeachment; could prove an immaculate character in Chinese, etc. But Ah Chow's declamation availed nothing. A certain magpie once got his neck wrung for being caught in bad company. Etiam Ah Chow. They were both ordered to appear this morning for sentence.

[transcribed from microfilm, p. 3]


POLICE COURT SENTENCES. - Judge Shepheard (did ever any one observe the significance of that name and title?) yesterday passed sentence as follows: H. D. Rogers, assault and battery, a fine of $50 or twenty days imprisonment in the County Jail; John Brown, ditto, three months imprisonment; George Washington, ditto, a fine of $10 or five days imprisonment; Charles Kuena, petty larceny, ten days imprisonment; John Brown, misdemeanor, fine of $20 or ten days imprisonment, Ollof Mattson, ditto, fine of $30.

[transcribed from microfilm, p. 3]


COME TO GRIEF. - Julia Jennings was sent to jail yesterday, for four months, for nibbling the first joint off Johanna O'Hara's finger. Her wails were heart rending.

[transcribed from microfilm, p. 3]

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