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The San Francisco Daily Morning Call, September 15, 1864


They do say that when rogues fall out, honest men get their dues. Messrs. Vogel and Isaacs, of the County Hospital, have fallen out. The seeming insinuation in the re mark is the fruit solely of unworthy suspicion in the prejudiced mind of the reader. Isadore Isaacs, who for years has had the lucrative job of repairing all the windows that chanced to get broken in the Hospital, a day or two ago procured the arrest of Vogel, an employee of his, for using improper language to Mrs. Isaacs. Vogel said at the time, that if the charge against him was prosecuted, he would retaliate upon Isaacs and others connected with the Hospital by throwing open to the public gaze such a three years' history of corruption and swindling in that institution as would set San Francisco dizzy with amazement. To make his threat good, he went yesterday to Officer Lindheimer and Detective Officer Watkin, and complained that for the past three years his boss, Isaacs, had been in the constant habit of charging in his bills against the County, double and treble the amount of glass actually put into the Hospital windows by him, and that he did it with the Resident Physician, Dr. Raymond's, connivance and consent, and that when the Doctor heard of Vogel's threatened expose he offered him twenty dollars to keep quiet. Vogel says that whenever Isaacs put in ten panes of glass, he always charged the City for thirty; for thirty panes, he charged seventy five, or such a matter, in his bills, and so on and so forth; thus managing, by naturally quick talents and close attention to business, to make a good thing out of an unpromising contract, with no capital save a gift in the way of slinging a multiplication table which amounted almost to inspiration. Mr. Vogel says he will prove that in three years the officers of the Hospital paid Isaacs thirteen hundred dollars for repaired windows, but he does not know how much the City and County paid to those officers in the same time for the same work - a remark of Mr. Vogel's which savors of an insinuation. According to a judgment of men and their manners under circumstances where crime and their direct or indirect implication in it is concerned, sharpened by his long experience as a detective, Officer Watkin is satisfied that Vogel knows a vast deal about the hidden mysteries of the conduct of the Hospital, but he seems in doubt about the policy of unveiling them all in a heap. Upon the complaint made by Vogel, Chief Burke had Isaacs arrested, and upon the examination of the case to-day, comprehensive developments may be looked for. Considering the important nature of the case, however, Judge Shepheard should not have allowed Isaacs his liberty on fifty or sixty dollars' worth of green-backs - one hundred and fifty dollars in shinplasters. Now, how much credence is to be given to the statements of Vogel, who is smarting under a sense of injury, we are not prepared to say; but at the same time, if there are two departments of service in the Hospital that are not the subject of suspicion in the minds of taxpayers, we do not know it.

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