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The New York Times, April 8, 1902

The Kanawha with ex-Speaker Reed and Mark Twain at Newport News.

Special to The New York Times.

NEWPORT NEWS, Va., April 7. - A party arrived at Old Point this morning one the yacht Kanawha, owned by Mr. H. H. Rogers, the Standard Oil magnate. They had been to Charleston and Cuba, and came hereto inspect places of interest surrounding Fort Monroe. On board were Mr. Rogers, ex-Speaker Thomas B. Reed, Prof. Laurence Hutton of Princeton, Dr. Rice, ex-Representative Foot, and Samuel L. Clemens, (Mark Twain.)

The Kanawha dropped anchor about 10 o'clock and the party came ashore. They were met by friends from Fort Monroe and shown around the peninsula this afternoon.

The Kanawha sailed this evening for New York.

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