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The New York Times, July 16, 1907

"Will Never Make One That Can Be Avoided Honorably or Otherwise."

LOS ANGELES, Cal., July 15. - No more land trips for Mark Twain. This decision has been made, according to a letter received from him by Frank Thompson Searight, Secretary-Treasurer of the American Press Humorists, of which organization Twain is the dean and whose fifth annual convention, Sept. 15 to 22, it was expected he would attend.

"I will never make a land voyage that can be avoided, either honorably or otherwise," he wrote.

Thirteen of the leading humorist lecturers of the country have volunteered their services for an entertainment to be given in the Auditorium in this city on Friday, Sept. 20, the proceeds of which will be added to the public fund being raised by the American Press Humorists to build a monument to Bill Nye at Laramie.

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