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THE GALAXY, October 1870




An appreciative New Yorker clips the following sweet thing from an interior paper and forwards it to this department. In kindness, we have altered the names:

DIED. -- July 27th, ETTA A. daughter of MARY G. and WILLIAM L. Burt, aged 11 years, 9 months, and 17 days.

Thus passed away our darling one,
She patiently bore her suffering long,
We listened to every word she said,
Her sister by her sighed and wept.

She said to her, "I am not dead yet,
I am going away -- do not weep;
I am going away from this cold world,
Going to a different shore and try it a whirl."

It would be hard to conceive of anything finer than that. The mind can suggest no improvement to it -- except it to be to italicize the word "it" in the last line.

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